
We have opportunities for scholars at a range of levels to pursue interests in Earth and planetary surface processes:

UVA undergraduate students are encouraged to apply for internships with the group. For more information see these guidelines. You can also learn about the Environmental Sciences major and other opportunities for growth beyond the classroom.

Prospective Ph.D. students are encouraged to apply to the Department of Environmental Sciences during the annual admissions cycle. Applications are due January 15 for the next academic year; full admissions policies are here. If you are interested in potential opportunities in the research group, please complete this form. And check out these tips and tricks on applying to graduate school.

Prospective postdoctoral researchers are highly encouraged to contact me ([email protected]) about potential funding opportunities, including existing grants and proposal opportunities including the NSF Earth Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship Program.

The UVA Department of Environmental Sciences advances research spanning geoscience, hydrology, ecology and atmospheric science. In the Landscape Evolution Group, we regularly collaborate with colleagues across the University of Virginia in diverse fields from Astronomy and Computer Science to Landscape Architecture and Music.